Yusinto Ngadiman
Frontend Engineer @ LaunchDarkly. Book addict and tea lover. Passionate about react graphql and making things simple and fast.


Covid and I

No I didn't get infected but my mother in law did. My wife's mum (Mrs Lim), in Indonesia started coughing and then three days later, Mr Lim…
March 20, 2021·2 min read

Javascript debugging tips

Last week whilst investigating a production issue I discovered the following two priceless debugging techniques on chrome dev tools. These…
September 11, 2020·1 min read

Automatically import react

import React from 'react'; It's the most common import you type in your project. Won't it be cool if somehow we don't have to do this all…
August 20, 2020·1 min read

Using css in js with storybook and mdx

Mdx is cool. It lets you use react components in markdown files so it's like markdown on steroids. If you use storybook docs addon and mdx…
May 20, 2020·1 min read

Using Storybook and LaunchDarkly

If you use LaunchDarkly to feature flag your app and you use storybook, then here's a way to run your feature flagged components in…
March 27, 2020·1 min read

Theme UI react router link with typescript

In this post I'll describe how you can create a theme-ui aware Link component with react router or gatsby in typescript. Theme UI provides…
January 31, 2020·2 min read

Using github actions with eslint and typescript

I discovered the true power of github actions 2 weeks ago when starting a new project at work. Prior to this, I have been using circleci to…
December 05, 2019·3 min read

React Day NYC

React Day NYC rocks. This is the first time I attended this conference and it's one of the best I've been. There is a diverse selection of…
September 27, 2019·2 min read

Writing a figma plugin with hot reload, react and graphql

Figma has officially launched support for custom plugins last month and it's exciting times! In this blog, I will show you how to write your…
September 02, 2019·5 min read

React Loop Chicago

I was very lucky this month to have a chance to attend React Loop, Chicago's first react conference. Overall the depth of the talks were a…
June 27, 2019·2 min read

Using es modules in node

Node 12 finally supports native es6 modules without having to name files with the .mjs extension. To start using es6 modules in node, you'll…
May 02, 2019·1 min read

Test React useEffect with Enzyme

To test the useEffect hook with enzyme, you'll need to use a combination of the new react-dom/test-utils method with enzyme mount. Shallow…
March 02, 2019·1 min read

React HOC with Typescript and Jest

React hocs with ts. This is my preferred way. Say you have a hoc called that wraps a component and shows a loader and fetches some data on…
January 13, 2019·4 min read

ld-react v2 Feature Flag with Hooks

This is the quickest blog ever about the quickest way to integrate launch darkly with react. Two lines of code to get feature flags into…
November 12, 2018·1 min read

Vue Mixins With Arguments

I was writing ld-vue when I needed a way to pass arguments to my Vue mixin. In my case, I needed to pass a client id to an external library…
September 25, 2018·1 min read

Hello Gatsby

After more than 2 years and 30+ blog posts, I am proud to announce reactjunkie.com has finally moved to Gatsby. It's been an incredible…
September 18, 2018·2 min read

Introducing react-site-nav

Stripe has a beautiful site nav and this package is inspired by that. Introducing react-site-nav, a beautifully animated site nav powered by…
July 13, 2018·3 min read

React integration with Launch Darkly using ld-react

About two years ago I wrote a package ld-redux which allows easy integration of Launch Darkly and react redux apps. That package is still…
May 30, 2018·2 min read

Relay Schema Stitching with Persisted Queries

Schema stitching was introduced by Apollo, so there is a general misconception that it only works with the apollo stack but it works with…
April 27, 2018·4 min read

Javascript Lessons: toJSON and valueOf

For most javascript objects, the prototype chain ends at the Object prototype. This prototype provides a few commonly used methods like…
March 28, 2018·1 min read

Docker is dead long live Kubernetes

Kubernetes rocks. Kubernetes engine to be exact. I was so inspired by Kelsey Hightower's presentation at KubeCon 2017 I spent the next…
February 28, 2018·7 min read

Launch Darkly, React and Redux: The Easy Way

About a year and a bit ago I published ld-redux to integrate launch darkly with react and redux. I used that solution both commercially in…
January 14, 2018·2 min read

Relay Modern Persisted Queries

This blog is about relay-compiler-plus, a custom relay compiler which supports persisted queries. One of the more exciting features of…
November 12, 2017·4 min read

Javascript Job Queues and Promises

So you think you know how promises work? Someone ever comes to you with a little trivia called "what's the sequence of console logs from…
September 18, 2017·3 min read

WebAssembly and React

WebAssembly is the next big thing. So they say. Who knows. All I know is that it's fast and it can make my app goes faster, like native fast…
August 04, 2017·4 min read

Writing Graphcool functions in es6 with async await and jest

Graphcool is cool. Graphcool functions are even cooler. There are two types of functions: request pipeline and server side subscription…
June 30, 2017·6 min read

React Europe

As I stared at the partially cloudy Parisian sky from my seat at Gare du Nord, I had a chance to reflect on the week that was. 4 days jam…
May 20, 2017·5 min read

Change marker image onPress in react-native-maps

Recently I started a new pet project which involves maps and markers on ios and android. Of course I started this new project in react…
April 25, 2017·4 min read

Scheduling Feature Flag Deployment

Use Launch Darkly? Love their feature flagging and a/b testing features? Like reading blog posts that sounds like an informercial? Umm…
February 28, 2017·3 min read

Testing Connected Redux and Relay Components

Happy chinese new year everyone! In the spirit of the year of the cock, I shall write the rest of this post in chinese…
January 28, 2017·4 min read

Building graphql schema without babelrc

Man it has been a busy month! It's been a while since I blogged, I have to say I miss it a lot. Almost as much as I miss drinking.. Today…
December 12, 2016·2 min read

Targeting users with React Redux and Launch Darkly

In my previous previous post I introduced launch darkly as a feature toggling platform and how to use it with react redux. In this post I…
November 01, 2016·3 min read

Hot Reloading Universally Bundled Webpack Apps

I learnt quite a lot in the past week. Firstly there's no substitute to good sleep. Secondly, you can actually eat a salmon steak raw…
October 22, 2016·7 min read

Implementing feature toggle with launch darkly and react redux

Update: 22 October 2016 I have published an npm package called ld-redux which covers everything you need to integrate launch darkly with…
September 16, 2016·7 min read

Deploying react apps on docker using ecs and terraform part 1

I was tinkering on blogging about Step 5 to React: Introduction to Redux, but I decided to write something closer to my heart: using ecs…
September 03, 2016·6 min read

Demistifying es6 class method and property initializer arrow function

Welcome back to another episode of react junkie's blog post. Today I'll be talking about meth crystal meth ice and how to replicate the…
July 30, 2016·3 min read

Step 4 to React - Intro to routing with react router

I am in LA for holidays! Yep, I'm blogging as I am holidaying; I don't know why but I just can't stop thinking about it. My wife says I'm…
June 30, 2016·5 min read

How React fits into the microservice team structure

I am going to digress a little today and talk about how react fits into the microservice architectural style. Of course microservices and…
May 28, 2016·3 min read

Returning graphql enum values to the client

In my attempt to learn Relay and GraphQL, I recently created a simple movie app. It is a single page app in both senses - it only has one…
April 13, 2016·2 min read

Step 3 to React - Speed dev with hot module replacement

In the previous post we started writing react code and that was cool. However having to restart the app and refresh the browser everytime we…
April 02, 2016·3 min read

Step 2 to React - Webpack and React

If you haven't read my previous post, it might be a good idea to have a quick read before reading this one. We'll build this example based…
March 30, 2016·5 min read

Step 1 to React - Using es6 with Express

I came from a .Net background but I realised quickly how powerful and easy node is and I love it. The advent of es6 has bridged the gap even…
March 27, 2016·2 min read