Yusinto Ngadiman
January 14, 2018·2 min read

Launch Darkly, React and Redux: The Easy Way

About a year and a bit ago I published ld-redux to integrate launch darkly with react and redux. I used that solution both commercially in production and personally. It has been stable thus far. There were issues though:

  • ld-redux state contains a somewhat mysterious internal property called isLDReady which is a pain in the butt.
  • components have to be connected via a hoc called ldConnect which is again a pain.
  • The subscription logic for flag changes in that hoc might result in duplicate subscriptions which is inefficient.

With these in mind, I introduce to you (drum roll) ld-redux v3.

What's new?

There's no longer need to worry about isLDReady. It has been deleted completely from the package.

There's no longer need to connect using ldConnect either! It is gone baby gone!

You can consume your flags directly from your redux store without having to use getFlags().

The subscription logic has been moved to the init() method so all subscriptions are done just once. Very efficient.


Backwards compatibility?

v3 is NOT backwards compatible with v1.x! So be prepared to do some refactoring if you are on v1 upgrading to v3. It's a simple upgrade though. You will be deleting code most of the time. ld-redux v3 is launch darkly and redux as it's meant to be!

How to use?

You include ldReducer in your app and call the init method once at bootstrap. Your flags will then be available in your redux state as camel cased keys. That's it!


import createStore from '<your-project>/store';
import ldRedux from 'ld-redux';

// standard redux createStore
const store = createStore();

// Init once on bootstrap to set default flag values and subscriptions
// Note you no longer need to specify a flags object. By default ld-redux
// will subscribe to all flags
  clientSideId: 'your-client-side-id',
  dispatch: store.dispatch,

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Router routes={routes} history={browserHistory}/>


import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import ldRedux from 'ld-redux';
import reducers from '<your-project>/reducers';

// Note: the LD key can be anything you want
export default combineReducers({
  LD: ldRedux.reducer(),



const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  // Your camelCased feature flags are magically available in the store!
  // Note: the key LD must be the same as step 2
  const {featureFlagKey} = state.LD;

  return {



Check the fully working example on github.

Oh and one more thing in case someone asks what happened to ld-redux v2? It went from v1.4.x to v3.0.1. What the heck? Umm I made a mistake during publishing (entered npm version update major twice) so it became v3. Doesn't matter! As long as it works right?